TBR JAR Thursday (kinda)

Hello, hello!!! So it’s a bit late for me to be posting a blog post but let me tell you…. college and being a mom is hard work. This week has been hell on my nerves and to top it off I am not sleeping. So I’m just a tad bit brain dead.

Now usually this is where you would get a in depth review about a book that I own that I would have read that week… well unless you want to hear about an 18th century play that bored me to tears…. we are going to skip that one.

Instead I want to talk about some ideas I have! Given that I recently did a couple blog posts about Outlander book 1, I am thinking about using this Thursday post as a sort of read with me post as I journey through the wonderful world of Scotland in the year of 1743 with Jaime and Claire. These Outlander books are quite hefty and the audios are like 30+ hours. It is insane but I just love it so much.

I just watched season 1 of the show too and it was really well done! I loved it! I can’t wait to continue it but I have to read the books first.

Have you all read or watched Outlander? What do you think?

Another idea I had was a read-a-long of Sarah J Maas’ new book, Crescent City. Also another hefty one. It is 799 pages but don’t let that intimidate you, I’m sure it is going to be worth every minute.

Lol another idea I had was a read-along of the Shatter Me series since a new one comes out 3/31. (Lets be honest all my ideas are read-alongs) One of my book boyfriends is in this series so I would love Love LOVE to introduce yall to him.

Basically just let me know what you think. If any of these ideas appeal to you then we can make it happen or we can do all or none of them. Like I said just some ideas. School is making it next to impossible for me to keep up with my reading lifestyle so I have to switch this post up until the summer really when I will have a blessed 3 months away from lectures, homework and the dreaded mandatory reading.

Comment below and give me your thoughts!

Happy Reading!!!

TBR Jar Thursday

It’s that time again!! And I am happy to announce that I finally finished Outlander!!!

And I am obsessed!! I immediately checked out book 2 and as soon as I finish Season 2 of YOU, I plan to watch season 1 of Outlander on STARZ. You can say that I am officially a fan. I highly recommend it! The world building and character development is everything. Y’all I was so into this book that I made an oil pastel drawing of a stone circle. If you know me, you know that I don’t do art but I am starting too. (No I won’t share it here lol) I cannot get this story out of my head! I need to finish up an arc (or 2) before I can start book 2 though. Also for some reason I have a lot of homework in the first week of school.

The final verdict…

Outlander by Diana Gabaldon


Goodreads link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/706072

Now, I know I still need to read I Hope You Get This Message but Little Miss Thang over here just had to do a pull so my next book after that one is…..

Drumroll please…

The Criers War by Nina Varela. I have a beautiful exclusive signed copy of this from Owlcrate. I almost don’t want to touch it lol.

If you are interested in Owlcrate follow this link! https://www.owlcrate.com/refer/Jenni-NOUEKGQV I’ve yet to be disappointed in a box. It covers with 1 exclusive hardcover book signed by the author and comes with 4-5 bookish or fandom goodies.

As usual, share comment and like!

Happy Reading!!

TBR Jar Thursday

There will be no pull today, for multiple reasons… One being that adulting is hard and it has put me behind on my reading. Anybody want to gift me a new car? Cuz mine is stressing me out. That and school starts in like 5 days and I’m not ready. I mean I got all my stuff (except a planner) and I spent $300 on college textbooks (ouch).

Can it just stop for a moment?

I am STILL reading Outlander. I find myself going back and rereading parts of it. I am obsessed with this story and I needs to know how she goes back to her original timeline. I am about half way through this book and I believe that the purpose of this book is to get us to fall in love with Jamie. So I doubt she will return to her husband in her original timeline in book 1. Also I needs the next books. I kind of just want to binge the series and then binge the tv show. I plan to watch it at the end of February when the hubs abandons me to go to training for a new job for 3 weeks. I might get a ton of reading done then because there will be less sleeping being done around here.

In other news, I am currently stalking my mailbox because Infinity Son is being delivered today and I needs to put that gorgeous cover on my shelf.

What new releases did you get this week?

In the meantime, I will be over here avoiding my responsibilities as much as humanly possible and I hope to finish Outlander before the weekend is over.

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TBR Jar Thursday

So, this started out as a determined effort to read the 100+ books that I own that are unread. I plan to do this every week to knock this number down. I figured since I read roughly about 12 books a month that I can do this, right?

Well… lemme tell you… I feel sabotaged by my 4 year old since she chose the first book and it is Outlander. That combined with the awful bout of reading slump I just went through, has put me behind already and that was before I realized that Outlander has 850 pages!

Nevertheless, I plan to still do my pulls but you will get to see (or read) my reactions to Outlander because that one is going to take some time. Good thing I am able to read more than one book at a time.

Now… I’m only a couple chapters into Outlander but I am already in love with it. I love the main character! She is spunky and I am here for it! I can’t wait to see what all she goes through. I do know a little bit about the story since I have seen people talk about the show on Facebook so I am anxiously waiting to see how she jumps through time.

All that being said… My pull for this week is…

Have you read this one? What are you reading this week?

Do the things! Like! Comment! Share!

Don’t forget about the giveaway on my Facebook page! It ends tomorrow! https://www.facebook.com/ReadingRobyn/