Behind the Scenes… Day 1

Let me introduce you to a new segment we are gonna do… Since there is a whole ass plague going on out there. I have some time on my hands so I’m going to bring yall along with me on trying new things while being forced to remain in the house. The county I live in has just started a 30 day stay at home order and I’m going to read and craft my way through this. As I’ve no doubt said before I am new to the arts and crafts club so this will be fun!! I’ll let you know what I’m making and what world(s) I’m lost in for the duration of this hot mess we are all living through.

I can’t say it enough… #socialdistancing

Issa mood

There will be spoilers… you have been warned

Currently Reading: The Beauty of Your Face by Sahar Mustafah 44%

Current Audio: Dragonfly in Amber (Outlander #2) by Diana Gabaldon 11%

Current Craft: Crochet Blanket

I don’t want to give too much out about The Beauty of Your Face because it is an eARC. This book releases on April 7th and it is beautifully written so far.

Now… Diana…even though you addressed this in the author’s note at the beginning of the book…. 20 years???!!!! Claire has a grown child making eyes with a descendant of the MacKenzie Clan and has no idea that her dad is an 18th century Scot. Talk about drama. I am here for it.

The Blanket

Excuse the horrible picture, I had to crop my child’s foot out of it. I started this yesterday and I’ve finished one skein of yarn. This is the first time I’ve ever done this. Tears may have been shed at the beginning because I could not get it started to save my life! Then… I didn’t count the initial stitches and then it was all wrong so I undid it and started alllllll the way over. I almost quit. But now I am enjoying it. The hubs and the kids want one of their own because this yarn is super soft. I might do that. However based on how this looks when complete will decide how big their blankets are. The hubs has already informed me that his will have to be much bigger (cuz he’s a man) and in calmer colors (his term for black, grey and white 🤦🏽‍♀️). I can tell you that I already know that I need more yarn so I will be placing an order with Micheal’s soon.

I’m going to try and keep this space light hearted. I know we are all drowning in news about the plague and are probably trying to avoid it. So besides my #socialdistancing and #washyourhands I’ll steer clear of it.

Let me know what you are reading and what you are doing in the comments! Share! Like! Tell all your friends. Also…. I had a giveaway going but no one entered…. so I still have those books. Maybe a new giveaway challenge will come in the next 29 days.

Happy Reading!!

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